Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's still cold, windy and wet in Taipei
One of hemi's friends came to visit hemi few days ago
hemi was happy about that
hemi even gave him the liquid present to express his welcome.
unfortunately the weather was so bad.
the first day he arrived was rainy.
the day I took him to Hualien was rainy too.
I can't stop myself to be disappointing because of the cloudy sky.
the funny thing was...
when I showed him the clouds above the mountain.
he answered me:no...they are not! thay are pollution.
once I complained about the heavy fog
he said that again:no...they are not! thay are pollution.
I think the most thing he could remeber
about Taiwan impression is only the pollution.
only pollution!!!
I must be the worst tour guide in my family
the last day he left was still rainy

1 comment:

ka48309 said...

If by presents you mean peeing on the bed, well then I have a special present for every one of you out there.