Saturday, November 03, 2007

Company in my office
Sometimes I wonder about am I still a child?
why did I have to buy those toys although they were cheap.
what a waste act!!
I should cut my hand and pord my eyes!!

I found a peach "bi~" when I went out for lunch this noon
it looks yummy and smells so sweet.
lots of my friends know im crazy about
sweet scent like vanilla .peach.cherry...fruit....etc.
there was a sound coming through my brain
they kept telling me "bite me~bite me~"
that sounds really like "buy me! buy me!"
so... again~
I lost my money!!
does anyone know what it is?
I have a reward for the one who knows the answer.


ka48309 said...

An elephant!! an elephant!!

mia.W said...

the diameter of this stuff is about 5.5cm, 4cm high!!

JenminC said...

it's an atomic bomb that will release chlorine gas and happy birthday song at the same time. The chlorine gas will kill everybody that's evil, and the happy bday song is for the purpose of hoping that the dead evil people will reborn good and pure.

mia.W said...

that's creative!!

ka48309 said...

Yup, she's my cousin.

bokbok said...

can i just says it's just a peach?
or it's somebody's butt butt..
to looks more like Stinkadore's butt.
PPl used to bite her butt when she was young...that include Mia as well

mia.W said...

hehe...I agree with u bokbok!!
Stinkadore's butt was so tasty when she was a kid...I miss that pinky and tender butt!!

Huan Bean said...

Hmm...... tao tai lang?

Jordan said...

To Mia - You try her butt before???

To Mia again and Tofu - I would say it's a dinasour....

To Stinky - that's a nice 1, this product should earn big time if whoever make it.

To Bok - I never get a chance to see hers.....but i think i see your little butt butt before.....haha

To Tofu, again - Great, she's my cousin, too.....

Jordan said...

so who's the winner?

mia.W said...

no one!!I think they are not interested in that reward...