Friday, February 23, 2007

17 Feb 2007
the Chinese New Year eve
my dad took Kai to Kenting...
i had so much fun with them.
I love this foto. I took it by myself.
the naughty guy on the left is Kai!!

with my eldest aunt.

with my dad(kai's uncle)
he doesn't like to take a picture very much.


Jordan said...

there's two option when you come here, a better beach, or a not so good beach.......:D

ka48309 said...

Mia is more naughty than I. She is a better scooter driver though.

Jordan said...

maybe she meant to be naughty to specific ppl...

hey, i'm a good scooter driver too for the last trip in phuket...even that's my first time ride on scooter.....hoho....don't tell my mom pls.....