hhmm....something wrong with the camera? Is this the only one? Haha, thanks for posting it specialy for me...that's really long for a picture...:D
come on, let's ahre it....for dragging so long....
it's just around cousins....i of course will give her some face....well, come and think about it, it's look like a piece of art...:D
huh....so mah fan ah......you send to me privately lah....u using msn messanger?
my msn add is cerise109@hotmail.com
oh, i already got min's permission....she wants to show off her artistic......hehe
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hhmm....something wrong with the camera? Is this the only one? Haha, thanks for posting it specialy for me...that's really long for a picture...:D
come on, let's ahre it....for dragging so long....
it's just around cousins....i of course will give her some face....well, come and think about it, it's look like a piece of art...:D
huh....so mah fan ah......you send to me privately lah....u using msn messanger?
my msn add is cerise109@hotmail.com
oh, i already got min's permission....she wants to show off her artistic......hehe
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